Our Story
Phoenix Community Alliance (PCA) is an influential 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that strives to activate, advocate, and build Greater Downtown Phoenix through the united vision and commitment of our Members.
Formed in 1983, when a much smaller Downtown Phoenix was in decline, PCA launched significant public-private partnerships that catalyzed quality new development in the heart of Phoenix and contributed to our growing urban vitality. As the premier business leadership organization dedicated to Greater Downtown Phoenix, PCA provides engagement opportunities that link key stakeholders, identify synergies across sectors, foster collaboration, and connect key decision-makers to resources and potential partners.
Today, PCA continues to find the right opportunities for business leaders to collaborate with local governments and other stakeholders, including educational, cultural, nonprofit, and various business industries, to build the 21st-century city we want. PCA works closely with City of Phoenix elected officials and staff and serves as an effective platform for public/private dialogue on community and economic development issues. As the membership affiliate of Downtown Phoenix Inc., PCA immediately connects you with all that Downtown Phoenix has to offer.
PCA Members have greater access to information and opportunities that directly and positively affect their businesses, bottom lines, and impact in the community.
Meet The Team

Patrick McDaniel
Advocacy Director
Patrick is a Downtown Phoenix resident whose passion for rallying diverse relationships and background in business outreach make him a great fit for this role.
As Senior Manager, Membership Services & Development, Patrick will be implementing our membership development strategies, managing our program for welcoming new Members to PCA, and, most importantly, building relationships with you, our Members, to serve as an additional point of contact. Patrick is enthusiastic about working alongside our Membership Engagement Committee and its chair, Bryan Albue, to further the Committee’s work plan of connecting with and providing value to Members.
We are so excited to have Patrick on the team and eagerly anticipate his role in supporting PCA as we work to grow our robust membership, further our advocacy initiatives, and continue our impact on Greater Downtown Phoenix.
When you see Patrick out and about on Downtown Phoenix patios, his favorite place to people watch, make sure you say hello!

Brandon Ramsey
Membership Services Director
Brandon was a Member of Phoenix Community Alliance when he worked for Microsoft, Nerdery, and March of Dimes. His strong passion for building purposeful interactions and relationships in our community makes him an excellent fit for PCA.
As Membership Services Director, Brandon will implement our membership development strategies, manage our program for welcoming new Members to PCA, and, most importantly, build relationships with you, our Members, to serve as an additional point of contact.
Brandon looks forward to working with PCA's Membership Engagement Committee and its chair, Bryan Albue, to strengthen our Members' commitment to PCA and continue connecting and providing value to Members.
B-rams was raised by his grandparents, which totally explains why he is a warm, welcoming human. So make sure when you see him around Downtown, most likely at his new favorite spot Garden Bar, to say hello!

Leah Tan
Communications + Events Manager
Leah Tan is a card carrying Downtowner—a member of the growing legion of urbanites choosing a live/work/play/learn lifestyle. Leah came to Phoenix Community Alliance by way of Arizona State University, where she was first introduced to PCA during a semester spent working with the Education Committee researching the perception of Education in the urban core.
Leah is proud to be a part of a team that is able to make such positive impacts on the neighborhood and community she loves so much.
Leah’s passions outside the office include dogs, plants, and weekend bike rides around DTPHX neighborhoods.

Taylor Costello
Content Specialist
Taylor Costello loves a good story, and Downtown has plenty of them. The quest for a good story served him well as an undergraduate up the road at ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, writing on staff at The State Press.
Some of his favorite pieces of #DTPHX trivia include the opening tracking shot from Psycho is a pan inside Barrister Place, then the Jefferson Hotel or the site of Block 23 used to be Fox Theatre, an Art Deco plex.
Taylor arrived at Phoenix Community Alliance after an article untangling local Historic Preservation policy put him on PCA’s radar. His byline is on the ongoing City-Series oral history series, which documents our historic initiatives and leadership.
Off the clock, he loves photography, taking a bike ride, flexing his movie trivia muscles, trips to the Phoenix Art Museum as a Member, and updating his Letterboxd account with the latest films watched.