Creative City Series: The ArtWORKS PHX Creative City Series is an extension of the ArtWORKS PHX digital campaign and sets the stage for advancing next steps for artists and commerce collaboration. It convenes Phoenix’s business and creative communities to discuss partnering with the arts to attract talent, maximize business innovation, advance an inclusive city, foster placemaking, and escalate economic development in Phoenix.
ED Talk Series: Formerly known as “Education Conversations,” this continuing series of dialogues, led by PCA’s Education Committee, engages teachers and professionals to identify ways the business community can support education in Greater Downtown Phoenix.
The Margaret T. Hance Park Revitalization Project is a public-private partnership led by the Hance Park Partner Coalition, consisting of the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, Phoenix Community Alliance, and the Hance Park Conservancy. The revitalization project is estimated to cost $100 million and funding will come from public and private sources. The project is expected to be completed in multiple phases. A fundraising campaign is being led by Phoenix Community Alliance.
2022 Public Affairs Positions
Advocated for the following projects and critical infrastructure and rehabilitation needs to receive 2023 General Obligation Bond funds (September 2022):
Arts & Culture:
All projects identified in the Prioritized Capital Needs and Future Capital Needs categories as well as additional capital needs projects brought forth for GO Bond funding and to increase funding for the arts beyond bond programs.
Economic Development & Education:
Full funding of ASU Health Technology Center project and expediting it as a Prioritized Project category.
Housing, Human Services & Homelessness:
Acquisition and/or rehabilitation of a secondary hotel or multi-family structure for conversion to a supportive housing shelter.
An increase of additional existing funding in GO Bond Subcommittee for acquiring and rehabilitating shelters around geographically dispersed areas around the city.
Creation of an affordable housing land trust, which would transfer some city-owned parcels to a Community Land Trust so they remain affordable indefinitely.
Neighborhoods & City Services:
Full funding and prioritization of various Historic Preservation projects to strengthen existing the historic character of Phoenix, including Threatened Building Programs, Orpheum Theatre Exterior Rehabilitation and the Duppa Adobe Restoration.
Parks & Recreation:
Margaret T. Hance Park Improvements of $17,835,428
Advocated for the City Manager to extend the contracts of diversionary service providers aiding in the mitigation and prevention of COVID-19 among individuals experiencing homelessness at their facilities. (September 2022)
Advocated City Council approval of the Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan and the annual allocation of $10 million toward the formation of the Vision Zero Community Advisory Committee for full implementation of the plan. ((September 2022)
Expressed support to convert more than a dozen temporary positions within the Housing Department's Housing Supportive Services into full-time jobs. (August 2022)
After the gubernatorial veto of the extension of half-cent transportation tax to provide critical funding for support and expansion of transportation and infrastructure programs region-wide, PCA advocated for its continuation at a MAG Special Joint Meeting Regional Council & Transportation Policy Committee. (July 2022)
Submitted letters to representatives of the legislature and Governor Ducey in support of HB2610, which removed the arbitrary 200-unit cap for the number of units that can qualify for real estate tax exemption when building affordable housing projects. Lifting the number helps expedite resources to address Arizona’s housing shortage. (May 2022)
Submitted letter to Governor Ducey in support of allocating a minimum of $250M of ARPA dollars toward the State Housing Trust Fund. (April 2022)
Signed onto a letter to the U.S. Department of Transportation, in support of RAISE Grant federal funding for the 3rd Street Pedestrian Bike Bridge, which would connect South Phoenix and downtown. (April 2022)
Submitted letters to the legislature and Gov. Ducey expressing opposition to SB1165, a law excluding transgender students from participating on school sports teams based on their gender identity. Viewed as detrimental to downtown Phoenix because of possible withdrawal of NCAA sports championships. (March 2022)
Supported appropriation of funding available from the State Lottery Fund to the Arizona State Parks Heritage Fund when the sufficient monies are available after preceding distribution requirements are satisfied. (March 2022)
Advocated for expediting and approving the second phase of the Preservation Phoenix Style recommendations to follow the report on the economic impact of historic preservation. (March 2022)
Supported the one-year extension of the e-scooter ordinance and shared scooter pilot program. (March 2022)
Submitted letter in support of SB1356, the continuation of a half-cent transportation sales tax that helps fund the expansion of future transportation projects and infrastructure. The measure would’ve required approval voters in a county wide election. (February 2022)
PCA co-signed onto the "It's time to unite not divide" letter promoting an open, inclusive downtown, city, region, and state for all. (Support requested by ONE Community, PCA Member) (February 2022)
Advocated City Council to approve Vision Zero for integration into the Road Safety Action Plan, a plan for road safety and pedestrian improvements that made the city eligible for federal funding. (January 2022)
Co-signed onto the New Economy Initiative letter by the Arizona Board of Regents, to prepare Arizona and its citizens for the future economic opportunities of the next 10 years. (January 2022)
2021 Public Affairs Positions
Signed on the Equality & Fairness for All Americans business pledge in support of advancing the Equality & Fairness for All Americans Act, a nationwide effort to advance equality and federal non-discrimination protections for all Americans in employment, education, housing, credit, jury service and public accommodations. (Support requested by ONE Community, PCA Member) (November 2021)
Signed onto a letter supporting the reauthorization of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, whose funding was due for renewal. (November 2021)
Spoke in support of the implementation of both the Comprehensive Roadway Plan and the Comprehensive Micromobility Program. (October 2021)
Submitted letters to downtown’s Congressional delegation in support of HR 4568, or the ENTRÉE Act, a stimulus measure to replenish funds to aid in the revitalization and survival of small business restauranteurs. (September 2021)
Submitted a letter of support to award a grant to the City of Phoenix for the 2022 MAG Design Assistance Program, in relation to PCA’s McDowell Road Revitalization Committee. (July 2021)
Submitted letters to members of the state legislature supporting funding of $10M from two separate sources for the Arizona State Parks Heritage Fund. (April 2021)
Submitted a letter to the City Manager of areas of funding priority within the 2021-22 City of Phoenix budget. (April 2021)
Submitted a letter to the legislature and Governor Ducey in opposition of three bills (SB 1485, SB 1593, and SB 1713), viewed as potential voter suppression laws if enacted, which could be critical and detrimental to the state’s reputation ahead of large statewide events, like the Super Bowl and Final Four. (April 2021)
Submitted letter in opposition of HB 2668, a strike-everything amendment, which would impose a set encampment for individuals experiencing homelessness, and charging those with a misdemeanor who did not comply with the proposed law. Additionally, the bill would’ve changed grant authority and zoning laws. (April 2021)
Submitted a letter of support for two separate bills to fund Arizona State Parks Heritage Fund, which would serve to resume the funding for the backlog of parks, trails and historic preservation projects and investments in. (April 2021)
Supported the extension of the e-scooter pilot program. (Support requested by BIRD and Lime, PCA Members) (March 2021)
Submitted letter in support of a bill to create the Arizona Low Income Housing Tax Credit, an equivalent to the federal LIHTC program, which allowed the distribution of tax credits for qualifying affordable housing projects. (March 2021)
Submitted a letter of support of HB 2773, a bill that amended state law to permit off-site sales of alcohol and cocktails, approved as it supported the restaurants along McDowell Road. (March 2021)
2020 Public Affairs Positions
Signed on to a letter advocating for Governor Ducey to utilize CARE Act funding to be directed toward increased rental eviction prevention. (Support requested by Wildfire AZ, PCA Member) (December 2020)
Advocated for Governor Ducey to release remaining CARES Act stimulus for redirection toward education funding. (December 2020)
Co-signed onto a letter from the Coalition for Transportation Choices, a mixture of local and statewide organizations working to increase public transit and active transportation options and advocating for walkable and bikeable communities. (October 2020)
Submitted letters to Arizona’s Congressional delegation in support of Save Our Stages (SoS) Act, a source of stimulus for struggling independent venues, operators and producers, then adversely affected by the effects of the COVID19 crisis. (October 2020)
Submitted a letter to Medistar Corporation, in support of the mixed-use development of the Central Station project that activated ground floor retail space, maintaining the existing multi-modal infrastructure and public space of the past site. (June 2020)
Supported amending current zoning ordinance to facilitate more options for affordable housing, as laid out in Phoenix City Council’s Affordable Housing Initiative. (June 2020)
Submitted letter to Governor Ducey advocating for the slow re-opening of schools and ongoing support for education funding during the COVID-19 crisis. (May 2020)
Signed on to a letter of opposition for HB2706, a measure to ban transgender youth from athletics. The bill drastically impacts the perception of Arizona and would have a negative impact on economic development, especially in Downtown Phoenix. (Support requested by ONE Community, PCA Member) (February 2020)
Supported the continuation of the dockless e-scooter pilot program in Downtown Phoenix and encouraged suggested updates to the pilot program. (January 2020)
Submitted a Ballot Argument opposing Proposition 106, which proposes an amendment to the Charter of the City of Phoenix. (May 2019)
Submitted a Ballot Argument opposing Ballot Proposition 105, which seeks to end funding of light rail projects critical for both transportation and economic development throughout Phoenix. (May 2019)
Supported restoring full funding of the State Housing Trust Fund. A letter of support was submitted to the 90 State of Arizona Legislators. (May 2019)
Supported the variances requested for the ASU Thunderbird School of Global Management. A letter of support was submitted to Mayor and Council Members. (April 2019)
Supported to deny citizens petition of Camelback extension and reaffirm light rail extension support. A letter of support was submitted to Mayor and City Council Members. (March 2019)
Signed on as a supporter of funding for the Section 4 Capacity Building and Affordable Housing Program for FY 2019. (Support requested by LISC, PCA Member) (March 2019)
Opposed the citizen’s petition related to terminating or indefinitely suspending any development or construction of, or the expenditure of any public funds (derived from any source) in connection with, any light rail transit route along Camelback Road at any point between 19th Avenue and 43rd Avenue. A letter of opposition was submitted to Mayor and City Council Members (March 2019)
Opposed the citizens’ petition that would terminate the appropriation or expenditure of any public funds, derived from any source, in connection with the expansions of light rail transit. A letter of opposition was submitted to Mayor and City Council Members (February 2019)
Supported the Talking Stick Resort Arena Proposed Renovation Agreement. A letter of support was submitted to Mayor and City Council Members (January 2019)
Supported the implementation of a dockless e-scooter pilot program in Downtown Phoenix and encouraged suggested elements of the pilot program. A letter of support was submitted to Mayor and City Council Members (January 2019)
Supported the existing two-lane design of the South Central Light Rail Extension project. A letter of support was submitted to Mayor and City Council Members. (September 2018)
Opposed the citizen’s petition related to the future lane configuration of Central Avenue, as included in the light rail expansion plans, at formal Council. (June 2018)
Supported an alley abandonment project for The Knipe House RFP to include a district parking solution with at least 250 public parking spaces. (Support requested by True North Holdings, LLC, PCA Member) (June 2018)
Supported the creation of a Community Facilities District at Park Central Mall to continue redevelopment efforts of this important site. A letter of support was submitted at DAEI Subcommittee. (May 2018)
Supported the continuance of the Unsolicited RFP for 3rd Street Development at DAEI Subcommittee. (April 2018)
Signed on as a supporter of funding for the Section 4 Capacity Building and Affordable Housing Program for FY 2019. (Support requested by LISC, PCA Member) (March 2018)
Supported the City of Phoenix’s investment in the development of facilities for Thunderbird School of Global Management at ASU’s Downtown Phoenix Campus at City Council DAEI Subcommittee. (Support requested by ASU, PCA Member) (March 2018)
•Human Services Campus fundraising and development
•Hope 6 Advisory committee
•City Hall Art Gallery fiscal agent
•Holiday Lights return to Central Avenue
•Graffiti program continuation, exceeding $275,000 in rewards
•Centennial Flags on Washington Street placed as a first step to the centennial project
•Centennial Committee participation
•Buzz meetings (H)
•Roosevelt Pointe assistance dealing with the new urban form zoning
•Town house planning ordinance to remove them from the condominium status
•Downtown Plan development started by the private sector
•Formed base zoning code development started by the private sector
•Walkable Urban Code review and commentary
•Additional station for Light Rail Transit proponent
•Prop 400 committee and worked to get downtown circulator successfully in the program
•Embedded track success for the light rail system
•South Central Light Rail Transit Committee member
•SHIA land advisory committee member
•Railvolution presentations (2) to discuss the Phoenix and Fresh Express
•Tampa rail presentations to assist in their funding efforts
•Trolley tours to showcase all the new development in the central city
•Arizona School for the Arts board member for the past 6 years
•Medical School tours and testimony for the State funding
•Education Summit to better educate the business community with the central city schools
•University expansion of the downtown ASU campus including work on the bond committee
•BASIS School central city locate assistance for the sale of the property
•Museum of Television efforts (2012)
•Medical Center tours to better understand the capability of the bio campu
•2006 Bond Election member of Executive Committee
•IDA Board Member for over 12 years
•PCDIC Board initial member and served for 8 years
•Convention Center chair of the citizen’s advisory committee
•Phoenix Public Market master planning and start up including securing a $250,000 grant
•Valley Partnership Board of Directors for 8 years
•Fiscal agent for Van Buren Civic Association
•Fiscal agent for Warehouse District Council
•Created the Discovery Triangle Development Corporation to work on the area between downtown Phoenix and Tempe
•Fiscal agent for Discovery Triangle Development Corporation for the first 3 years
•Hance Park Conservancy committee involvement including assistance in launching the organization
•Affiliate agreement and creation of DPI
•Fiscal agent for TEDx (2011)
•Cousteau event (2014) fiscal agent and committee member
•Channel 8 Advisory board for 6 years
•Fiscal agent for State of Downtown Fund (2011)
•HUD light rail corridor planning effort participation
•Convention Center tours to better direct the expansion projec
•Convention and Visitors Bureau board member for 5 years
•Advocate and work with the City of Phoenix, the Downtown Phoenix Partnership, the Central & Roosevelt Coalition, the Capitol Mall Association and others to complete and implement a mandatory Central City Housing Policy that is supported by neighborhood groups, the business community, and developers
•Work with the development community and appropriate city departments to encourage development of quality affordable housing in the Central City consistent with the City of Phoenix’ new housing policy
•Attract and assist developers who will invest in and build quality housing for minimum wage earners in the Central City
•Provide guidance and technical support to Central City neighborhoods as requested
•Implement a Central City Employer Assisted Housing Program in conjunction with Neighborhood Housing Services, Fannie Mae, and Phoenix Revitalization Corporation
•Team with the City of Phoenix Police and Neighborhood Services Department to reduce neighborhood crime
•Support The Roosevelt Central Coalition in its efforts to develop solutions to problems with crime in that area
•Work with the East Van Buren Civic Association in its efforts to mitigate crime and blight to this gateway to the Central City
•Continued to support the Roosevelt Central Coalition in its efforts to develop solutions to problems with crime
•Continued to promote and support market rate development opportunities in the Central City
•Advocated for leveraging the HOPE VI grant funding in Center City South to create a greater diversity of housing alternatives and economic development opportunities in the area
•Sponsored a series of meetings to inform the business community about Hope VI
•Assisted the Local Initiatives Support Corporation in Phoenix with their community education program
•Worked with Make A Difference Foundation, Phoenix Revitalization Corporation and Downtown Phoenix Partnership on a Day for Downtown, a revitalization volunteer effort in Central City South and the Garfield Neighborhood
•Served on East Van Buren Civic Association Board of Directors in its efforts to mitigate crime and blight along this gateway to the Central City
•Coordinated and co-sponsored Making Space for Urban Arts, a lecture series on arts-based economic development
•Assisted property and business owners on West McDowell to form a Commercial District, Historic McDowell Now
•Coordinated and co-sponsored an Urban Living Fair with Fannie Mae, Neighborhood Housing Services and the Downtown Phoenix Partnership promoting Central Phoenix
•Advocate, support, co-sponsor and promote Downtown and Central City events such as the Downtown Phoenix Public Market, Downtown Home & Loft Tour that contribute to the energy and vitality of our urban community
•Continue to work with Historic McDowell Now to improve its commercial district
•Promote home ownership
•Work with the City of Phoenix to attract new residential developers
•Focus on housing for workers by supporting and partnering with the Local Initiative Support Corporation, Arizona Family Housing Fund, Neighborhood Housing Services and other CDCs with proven capacity to develop meaningful workforce housing in the Central City
•Work with the Phoenix Industrial Development Authority and the Industrial Development Authority of the County of Maricopa to seek workforce housing for workers in Downtown and the Central City
•Work and support the governor’s initiatives for more tax credits to create affordable housing
•Support and accelerate the development of small business infrastructure to service new residents in the Central City and to stimulate growth of new and vibrant businesses
•Provide guidance and technical support to central city neighborhoods as requested
•Promote and support programs such as Historic McDowell Now for neighborhood commercial district revitalization
•Coordinate, sponsor, and support events and programs that promote the urban living experience
•As high-rise developments such as the Summit at Copper Square and 44 Monroe attract people to the Central City, create an urban environment that responds to the growing needs of these new urban residents
•Promote and support new high rise projects, such as Cityscape and One Central Park East
•Assist developers in promoting products within the Central City
•Work with Central City residential developers and area stakeholders
•Develop a comprehensive multi-modal transportation plan with the City of Phoenix, the business community, labor, neighborhoods, and other interested parties
•Work with the City of Phoenix on the 2000 Transit Election that would secure permanent funding for an expanded bus system and new light rail system
•Participate in the City of Phoenix’s Noise Compatibility Study to ensure that surrounding city neighborhood airport noise issues are adequately addressed
•Supported the Tom Hom Group in their effort to bring Campaige Place, a quality, furnished, efficiency apartment project to Phoenix’s Central City
•Chaired the Sky Harbor International Airport F.A.R. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Planning Advisory Committee
•Chaired the Surface Transportation Advisory Committee
•Advocated for a fair and reasonable distribution of new federal transportation dollars to the City of Phoenix
•Worked toward a coordinated plan for access, parking, and circulation throughout the Central City
•Supported the City of Phoenix in its efforts to expand Sky Harbor International Airport and enhance international service
•Contributed to and successfully promoted the passage of the City of Phoenix Transit Tax, expanding bus service and bringing light rail transit to Phoenix
•Endorse and promote the City of Phoenix’s efforts to expand Sky Harbor and enhance international service
•Together with the City of Phoenix Aviation Department and Valley Metro Rail ensure that the people mover connection is completed
•Together with the City of Phoenix Aviation Department, ensure the development of appropriate land uses along Washington Street as they relate to the airport property acquisition program
•Continue to work with Valley Metro Rail and the City of Phoenix to facilitate communications with stakeholders regarding issues as addressed by the Citizens Advisory Board
•Continue to work with the City of Phoenix Community and Economic Development Department to attract specialized, well-capitalized developers to complete transit-oriented development projects around the light rail stations in the Central City
•Support the Arizona Department of Transportation and the Maricopa Association of Governments as they study commuter rail
•Assist and support the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in its housing development program for noise abatement
•Coordinate discussions with Maricopa Association of Governments and human service providers in Arizona’s Capitol Mall District and achieve mutual agreement regarding management, investment and commitment for a Human Services Campus
•Identify funding sources for the operation of the Human Services Campus, including emergency shelter, healthcare, food services, transitional housing and job training
•Encourage, assist and advocate on behalf of the Capitol Mall human service providers as requested in their efforts to develop and deliver comprehensive shelter, housing, and services to homeless persons, especially as it lessens the impact on the area
•Work with the U.S. Post Office to relocate the homeless post office
•Support state funding for behavioral health programs and, specifically, the housing vouchers for mentally ill persons who could become homeless and would very likely be among those on the streets in the Arizona Capitol Mall District
•Advocate on behalf of the legislative study groups and other organizations to find appropriate funding solutions for issues related to homelessness
•Support increases to the State’s Housing Trust Fund and explore other financial resources for the development of affordable housing
•Catalyze and advocate the Legacy Bungalows (the first apartment housing project in more than 35 years in the Capitol Mall area) at 12th Avenue and Van Buren to assure groundbreaking and construction
•Work with the City of Phoenix Assistant Chief of Police and Commanders and the Capitol Mall police to support increased interdiction and prosecution of drug dealers in Arizona’s Capitol Mall District
•Work with the City of Phoenix Community and Economic Development Department, the Chamber of Commerce, property owners and the real estate community to develop a business retention and promotion strategy for the area
•Serve on the Legislative Governmental Mall Commission
•Encourage human service providers to complete their internal planning processes to give focus to the rapidly changing character of the area
•Serve on Maricopa County Continuum of Care Task Force
•Encourage, assist, and advocate on behalf of the Capitol Mall human service providers as requested in their efforts to develop and deliver comprehensive shelter, housing, and services to the homeless
•Celebrate Groundbreaking of the Human Services Campus
•Supported the enhancement and expansion of the DASH service to the Capitol Mall area
•Worked with City of Phoenix Assistant Chief of Police and Commanders to support increased interdiction and prosecution of drug dealers
•Participated in planning discussions with Central Arizona Shelter Services and other homeless providers with regard to comprehensive campus-type shelter
•Supported the Arizona Department of Administration’s fiscal year capital budget recommendations and fiscal year building renewal requests
•Adopt and implement the Capitol Mall Centennial Plan as developed by PURL and sponsored by the PCA, establishing a general layout of the Capitol Mall District along with parameters for the design of the Capitol Mall complex and its associated urban connections
•Work with the State of Arizona, the Legislative Governmental Mall Committee, Maricopa County, the City of Phoenix, and all existing stakeholders to adopt and begin implementation of the Capitol Mall Centennial Plan
• Support the Human Services Campus as it continues to develop and serve the community
•Facilitate private development projects and investment opportunities consistent with the Capitol Mall Centennial Plan
•Form the PCA Bond Election Committee to assure all the needs of the Central City are addressed
•Team with ASU Joint Urban Design Program, the Downtown Phoenix Partnership, the City of Phoenix, and others to identify urban design strengths and weaknesses in the area, and to develop a vision and strategies for creating a distinct identify for the area while linking the Central City components.
•Advocated to develop a mixed-use zoning ordinance to facilitate new development in the redevelopment area
•Co-sponsored Arizona Infrastructure Conference to identify and address regional infrastructure needs
•Ensure that Phoenix’s Downtown and Central City are among America’s top civic localities by adopting and adapting the most up-to-date standards for sustainable development
•With the Arizona State University (ASU) Phoenix Urban Research Laboratory (PURL), the Downtown Phoenix Partnership, the City of Phoenix, and others, continue to identify urban design strengths and weaknesses. Work to complete and implement the Urban Form Zoning Ordinance and to implement Downtown Phoenix Strategic Vision and Blueprint for the Future, assuring that all components are appropriately linked and complement one another
•Monitor the development of projects funded through the City of Phoenix Citizens’ Bond Committee Program
•Work together to discover new standards for design, planning, development, construction and urban form and help to communicate best practices for the Central City
•Formulate and implement programs to stimulate discussion, develop goals, and implement strategies that lead to desired outcomes for the Central City’s urban growth
•Focus on important future urban issues such as sustainable living, green development, open space, public space, economic development, and social change
•Support Parks and Preserves Tax Initiatives Campaign Phoenix
•Ensure that the Urban Form Zoning Ordinance is implemented
•Work with the City of Phoenix, the Downtown Phoenix Partnership and all stakeholders to create a plan to provide shade along sidewalks where there is no shade or create respite from the summer heat
•Work with the City of Phoenix, the Downtown Phoenix Partnership and all stakeholders to improve pedestrian connectivity by creating and identifying more walking shortcuts, such as mid-block crossings and connections between buildings
•Work with the City of Phoenix, the Downtown Phoenix Partnership and stakeholders to identify, create, and promote summer respite stations that offer water, rest, and comfort along major walkways
•Ensure that pedestrian facilities accommodate the special needs of people with disabilities, strollers, handcarts, etc.
•Create an interest in walking by identifying and creating opportunities for public art and desert flowers and plants for the enjoyment of pedestrians
•Continue to work with the City of Phoenix to advocate for more effective and timely processing programs that respond to development needs in the Central City
•Promote the development of viable pedestrian paths throughout the Central City
•Partner with the City of Phoenix to obtain New Markets Tax Credit authority and work on Central City projects that could benefit from the program
•Support the development of an entertainment district in the Warehouse District
•Catalyze further development of the arts with the Phoenix Arts Commission, the arts community, and entrepreneurs to assure that Downtown and the Central City cultural assets are sustained and continue to grow and enrich the community
•Coordinated discussions with Central Avenue property owners, businesses and the City of Phoenix to address Central Avenue issues with regard to the Light Rail Transit station locations and design
•Co-sponsored a Central Avenue Economic Development Workshop with the City of Phoenix
•Launched Scroogbusters II Campaign to raise funds for Central Avenue decorations with an initial $30,000 in funds from the businesses and private citizens
•Raised $5.5 million toward the development of the Steele Indian School Park and assisted the City of Phoenix to celebrate the Grand Opening of Phase I
•Promoted a full range of development projects along the Central Avenue Corridor including office, commercial, and residential projects
•Continue to implement key points of the Central Avenue Corridor Economic Development Strategy
•Work with Valley Metro Rail, the City of Phoenix and property owners to implement an appropriate landscape program for Central Avenue between Fillmore and Roosevelt streets
•Continue to seek, promote, and accept grants for the Steele Indian School Park for programs and development
•Work with the City of Phoenix to create linkages to other Central City amenities
•Assure that new high-rise residential projects are well integrated into the Central Corridor to distinguish the area as a pedestrian-friendly area along its main connector, light rail transit
•Work with the City of Phoenix, property owners, and other stakeholders to develop plans and create opportunities for transit-oriented development in the evolving commercial districts on cross streets adjoining the light rail transit on Central Avenue
•Complete $5.4 million fundraising campaign and celebrate opening of Steele Indian School Park
•Focus on enhancing the Central Avenue Corridor between 7th Avenue and 7th Street to create a more pedestrian-friendly environment that includes shade and bicycle paths
•As a result of light rail, parade routes have been diverted. Explore opportunities to enhance the image of Phoenix along newly defined parade routes
•In conjunction with the City of Phoenix Community and Economic Development Department, supported and assisted the City of Phoenix in its efforts to develop major convention hotel in downtown Phoenix as well as other hotel products in the Central City
•Supported and assisted the City of Phoenix in its efforts to develop additional retail opportunities
•Chaired the Phoenix Civic Plaza Expansion Building Subcommittee and explored how Phoenix Civic Plaza should be expanded
•Promoted the development of quality retail outlets to support the needs of the expanded residential development in the Central City
•Participated in dialogue and discussions with Maricopa County regarding expansion of their facilities along Jackson Street
•Recognizing the competitive nature of the industry, work to ensure that the expansion of the Phoenix Convention Center proceeds on time, as planned, and fulfills the ultimate goals of the expansion.
•Support and assist as requested the efforts of the Greater Phoenix Convention & Visitors Bureau to use the new facility to promote the Arizona experience and achieve its potential as the premier convention center in the Southwest
•Encourage the Phoenix Convention Center to be aggressive and competitive, seeking as a first priority convention bookings that will ensure economic stability for our downtown hotels and other businesses
•Work to ensure that new planned hotels and additional hotel rooms are located convenient to and are completed at the same time as the Phoenix Convention Center
•Support the City of Phoenix Community and Economic Development Department and the City of Phoenix Downtown Development Office in their efforts to complete construction of the 1,000-room Sheraton Hotel and to attract and complete the development of other hotels and expand hotel rooms in Copper Square
•Seek and support private development and construction of other hotels in downtown Phoenix, such as the 12 Hotel
•Partner with the Greater Phoenix Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Downtown Phoenix Partnership to evaluate opportunities to enhance the convention hotel guest experience within the Central City
•Work with groups to enhance other guest experiences, more specifically the Papago Park Centennial development plan
•Advocated on behalf of the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGEN)
•Support the continued development of the Phoenix Biomedical Campus
•Support the Arizona Biomedical Collaborative and the Bioscience Roadmap
•Work with government and the private sector to ensure that the goals of TGen and the International Genomics Consortiumare achieved
•Support the The University of Arizona College of Medicine in downtown Phoenix a world-class educational facility
•Support efforts to expand the campus to include a College of Pharmacy
•Work with government(s) and the private sector to support the expansion of The University of Arizona College of Medicine, Arizona State University, and Northern Arizona University on the Phoenix Biomedical Campus
•Work with the City of Phoenix, other stakeholders and the private sector to provide space and infrastructure for the expanding business of translating research into technology
•Work with the City of Phoenix and other stakeholders to ensure that as the campus grows it is connected and integrated with the surrounding amenities in downtown Phoenix
•Work with the City of Phoenix and others to ensure that the growing bioscience employment base is provided with the housing and amenities that will be required
•Focus on streamlining the integration of health care facilities within the Downtown and Central City
•Assist health care providers as they explore expansion options within the downtown area
•As our urban environment grows, assist Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Barrow Neurological Institute and St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix Memorial Hospital and St. Luke’s Medical Center in meeting our mutual goals and objectives
•Serve as a communications liaison between central city health care institutions and the business community
•Work with the City of Phoenix to ensure that these institutions are easily connected to downtown, to the light rail, and specifically to the Phoenix Biomedical Campus
•Work with Central City health care institutions to explore development opportunities in the areas surrounding their facilities
•Initiate advocacy for Neighborhood Initiative Area Designation in Central and Roosevelt area.
•Partner with City of Phoenix and Arizona State University for Joint Central City Housing Town Hall.
•Review New Urban Residential Zoning Ordinance
•Support City of Phoenix’s request for new downtown hotel proposal
•Participate and co-sponsor a Reinventing Neighborhood Charrette for the Central and Roosevelt area
•Participate with City of Phoenix for the development of a Central City Housing Policy
•Attract interested residential developers to the Central City.
•Launch discussions about a joint Central City Marketing Initiative.
•Present Gather the Tools, A Focus Report on Issues of Homelessness and Human Services in the Capitol of Arizona January 1998, to stakeholders and the community.
•Assemble discussions with the Arizona Department of Administration to explore creative solutions to develop state buildings in Arizona’s Capitol Mall District
•House and support the Phoenix Revitalization Corporation, a non-profit CDC
•Completion of The Met at Third and Fillmore, first new mixed-affordable market rate apartment in Downtown Phoenix in more than 20 years
•Provide office space for Corporation for Supportive Housing
•Initiate meetings between City of Phoenix and Central and Roosevelt to reduce crime in the area
•Coordinate City of Phoenix’s request to generate interest among Downtown Hotel Developers
•Develop Arizona’s Capitol Mall District Revitalization Strategic Plan with area stakeholders
•Grand Opening of McDowell Marketplace, first new grocery store in Downtown Phoenix in more than 20 years
•Cosponsor Capitol Mall Charrette with Arizona State University Joint Urban Design Program, American Institute of Architects, City of Phoenix, Arizona State Department of Administration and Capitol Mall Association
•Advised the City of Phoenix Downtown Pedestrian Circulation Study
•Cosponsor workshop to educate property owners about property tax structure and property valuation appeals
•Coordinate Native American community, business, government, civic and community leaders to Indian School Park to communicate and celebrate the vision of its development
•Promote the development of affordable and market rate, multi-residential housing in the Central City
•Conduct bus tours to acquaint state legislators with affordable and supportive housing developments around the Central City
•Coordinate the formation of the Central and Roosevelt Coalition
•Coordinate community effort to examine issues of homelessness and human services in the Arizona’s Capitol Mall District
•Launch and mobilize a fundraising campaign to raise $6,000,000 toward the development of the Indian School Park
•Present Renaissance of the Capitol Mall District, Proceedings of the Capitol Mall Charrette, November 1996, to stakeholders and the community
•Coordinate Tour of Affordable and SRO’s Housing Projects in other cities
•Coordinate Tour of Human Service Facilities in other cities
•Bank One Ballpark opens
•Advocate for the development of multi–residential, mixed-income housing project in downtown Phoenix
•Passage of Economic Development legislation
•Start the Legislative Issues Committee
•Participate in the grant application for Phoenix Preparatory Academy, City of Phoenix and Valley Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program
•Launch the Capitol Mall Task Force to address blighted Arizona’s Capitol Mall District
•Coordinate with the City of Phoenix to purchase the RTC property, use of bond funds to develop multi-family, with affordable component, housing project, which is The Met at 3rd and Fillmore
•Assume responsibility for launching intense revitalization effort in Arizona’s Capitol Mall District
•Advocate for legislation to reconstitute Governmental Mall Commission
•Advocate for Overlay Zoning District in Arizona’s Capitol Mall District
•Recommend City of Phoenix upgrade plans for new Downtown Transit Facility
•Advise City of Phoenix in deliberations relative to new Criminal Justice Facility
•Support the development of the Federal Courthouse in Arizona’s Capitol Mall District
•Coordinate establishment of Anti-Graffiti Hotline with the City of Phoenix and Maricopa County Attorney.
•Advocate funding for $1,000,000 for land acquisition with the State of Arizona for new state office buildings in Arizona’s Capitol Mall District
•Provide guidance, as well as fundraising, financial and technical support to stabilize Capitol Mall Association
•Formation of PCA’s Capitol Mall Committee to carry our recommendations of Task Force
•Publish a study, A Third Convention Hotel in Downtown Phoenix
•Implement legislation to allow Arizona cities to grant economic development incentives to projects that provide a major public purpose
•Establish Phoenix’s Local Initiatives Support Corporation Program office and staff at the PCA offices
•Advocate legislation to provide incentives for public/private partnerships for housing construction
•America West Arena opens
•Form PCA’s Education Committee in support of Phoenix Preparatory Academy
•Partner with the City of Phoenix Police Department to eliminate cruising activities along Central Avenue
•PCA Offices relocate to Arizona State Downtown Center to foster and expand cooperative partnership with ASU
•Participate in the development of a 25-year Downtown Plan
•Mobilize with the City of Phoenix Downtown Phoenix Partnership Steering Committee
•Support initiatives to extend Bond Program to eight years
•Invite the Local Initiatives Support Corporation to study Phoenix as a possible program area
•Arizona Center opens
•Merge with Central Avenue Association to broaden PCA’s organization and scope
•Mobilize PCA’s Hotel Committee to review the need for additional hotel facilities in Downtown Phoenix
•Advocate on behalf of proposed expanded Indian School Park site
•Raise $1,000,000 matched by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation for a Phoenix Local Initiatives Support Corporationprogram
•Supported Phoenix Revitalization Corporation by providing office space
•Advocate for 1988 Bond Program
•Provide financial support to study and to create a strategy for Downtown Housing
•Cosponsor and promote the formation of the ASU Joint Urban Design Studio Project
•Host International Desert Cities Conference concept and staff
•Promote Transportation and Rapid Transit initiatives
•Cosponsor and implement Market Research on Downtown Housing with the City of Phoenix
•Endorse City of Phoenix and Phoenix Suns joint-funding of Downtown Arena
•Research and endorse new site for Phoenix Elementary School District’s junior high school in downtown Phoenix
•Promote Downtown Shuttle Service
•Work with the City of Phoenix to implement International Downtown Association Downtown Management & Improvement study
•The Rouse Company was selected to develop Arizona Center, downtown Phoenix’s first mixed-use project
•Participate in negotiations between City of Phoenix and The Rouse Company on project incentives
•Participate, promote and support the 1998 Bond Election
•Lead study and promote the Central Avenue Beautification project
•Work with local artist community to support the development of the Art Detour Program
•Promote quality development in Downtown Phoenix and a third downtown hotel
•Lead promotion and lend support for the Downtown Arena for Phoenix Suns
•Arizona Center breaks ground
•The Central Phoenix Redevelopment Plan, a master concept plan was published to outline the expansion and redevelopment of central city from 7th St. to 7th Ave, and Harrison St. to Camelback Rd.
•Downtown Streetscape, Housing and Downtown Arena finance and co-sponsor study was published
•Governmental Mall Commission formation was successfully advocated
•Designing & Building a Great City: Phoenix, an eight-year lecture series program, was launched
•Land for the Arizona Center was acquired
•Lend support for the Interstate 10 freeway expansion and addition of Deck Park site
•Advocate and promote the location of Arizona State University campus in downtown Phoenix
•The Phoenix Community Alliance is formed by Phoenix’s business leaders to pull together government, civic, cultural, educational and faith-based organizations to conceive, plan and implement the components for developing an urban core for a 21st Century city