850zip Small Business Saturday Scavenger Hunt & Block Party
Sat, Nov 30 @ 2pm
850zip Small Business Saturday Scavenger Hunt & Block Party
850zip Small Business Saturday Scavenger Hunt & Block Party
Celebrate the holiday season with a truly hyper-local experience! Saturday, November 30th, 850zip is partnering with 15 local businesses to create a unique neighborhood experience in conjunction with American Express’ Small Business Saturday®️. From 2:00-6:00PM, local residents can enjoy a variety of featured food, drinks, and demonstration from downtown hot spots that provide a "taste" of an authentic customer experience. The event is a unique way for community members to shop small by experiencing the local flavors of their community. The Block Party event features a local DJ and an exciting scavenger hunt for guests to interact and connect with the businesses along Portland Street in downtown Phoenix. Participants who complete the hunt will then be entered to win a Golden 850zip Memberchip™️ - a special MEMBERCHIP that provides access to hyper-local art experiences for an entire year, including venues such as Arizona Opera, Phoenix Symphony, Ballet Arizona, and more. In addition, 850zip members who attend the event will be entered to win a local Portland Park experience, where the event is hosted. The “Shop Small” campaign movement began 10 years ago and has now grown into a national trend that entities like 850zip want to see continue. 850zip is being recognized by American Express as a 2019 Small Business Saturday®️ Neighborhood Champion for this event, and will serve as the party planner and host. Local non-profit partners such as Keep Phoenix Beautiful and Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA, as well as City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department will be onsite to provide services and education to visitors. To be part of the movement, visit their website today at 850zip.com.