Arizona Science Center: 2024 Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (AzSEF)
Thu, Apr 04 @ 8am
Arizona Science Center: 2024 Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (AzSEF)
Arizona Science Center: 2024 Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (AzSEF)
Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (AzSEF) is considered the state level science fair for Arizona, April 4-6th 2024 at Mountain America Stadium (aka Sun Devil Stadium), Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona. Arizona Science Center is currently seeking sponsors and volunteers for this program that will impact students throughout the state of Arizona. The goal of AzSEF is to support and provide guidance to students and teachers throughout Arizona to ensure the continued availability and vitality of this statewide celebration of scientific inquiry. AzSEF is affiliated with the Society for Science, which organizes the Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair (RISEF), the world’s largest international pre-college science competition. AzSEF brings together winners from school, homeschool, district, county, and regional science fairs across Arizona to compete for thousands of dollars in prizes and scholarships. The Grand Award winners in the Senior Division from AzSEF will be selected to compete at the RISEF in May 2024. Here are a few ways people can get involved:SPONSOR Sponsorship opportunities are available at many levels. Local businesses,corporations, foundations, and educational institutions are encouraged to get involved and support young talent in Arizona! Sponsoring also provides opportunities to showcase your organization and STEM careers. VOLUNTEER Approximately 200 volunteers are needed to serve in a variety of ways including participant and judge/volunteer check-in, event set-up/logistics, assembling swag bags, and more.JUDGE Approximately 300 judges are needed to review student projects, interviewstudents, and to confer with teams for project award decisions. Judge training sessions will be scheduled.For more information, please contact Stacy Bellavia, Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations at bellavias@azscience.org, 602-716-200 Ext 295 Office, 623-229-8272 Cellular.