One Community: 2023 UNITY Summit - Session 2

Tuesday, December 05 @ 01:00 pm - 02:00 pm
One Community: 2023 UNITY Summ...
One Community: 2023 UNITY Summ...
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Tue, Dec 05 @ 1pm

One Community: 2023 UNITY Summit - Session 2

One Community: 2023 UNITY Summit - Session 2

2023 UNITY Summit Session 2: Antisemitism, Homophobia, and Transphobia

Michael Soto, Chief Advocacy Officer, ONE Community

Paul Rockower, Executive Director, Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix


Gaining an understanding of the issues and challenges that we face while equipping our teams to look through an inclusive lens is more important than ever before. 

Join us for ONE Community’s virtual UNITY Summit on December 5th and 6th. Registration is complimentary thanks to the generous support of our event sponsors: Many-to-One, Wells Fargo, Southwest Airlines, Hensley Beverage Company, and Phx Pride.

The UNITY Summit is complimentary to attend so feel free to share with your colleagues and peers. RSVP is required to receive the session Zoom links.



Virtual Event.