Social & Housing Advancement Committee
Thu, Dec 14 @ 3:30pm
Social & Housing Advancement Committee
Social & Housing Advancement Committee
PCA played a vital role in developing and raising funds to create the Human Services Campus – a critical component in efforts at the time to deal with one important issue concerning homelessness in the Valley.
In 2019, we formed the Social & Housing Advancement Committee – and subcommittees on Affordable Housing, Social Services, and Communications – to continue the conversation and take specific, targeted actions. This Committee works collaboratively to promote the importance of education in Greater Downtown Phoenix and fosters an environment of sustainable support from the business community.
SHA Committee Vision Statement:
We promote community partnerships that initiate local collaboration and facilitate the creation of viable and integrated options in order to break the cycle of homelessness and build a healthier Downtown.
SHA Committee Mission Statement:
We will work to facilitate and help coordinate social services and affordable housing for those in need in order to positively impact the health of Downtown Phoenix.
Join us virtually! Join the Zoom Meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone here. You can also dial in from your phone: 1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 941 3099 9560 Password: 940175.