Walter Studios: idgaFNK - Defunk & Ill Gates
Fri, Sep 06 @ 9pm
Walter Studios: idgaFNK - Defunk & Ill Gates
Walter Studios: idgaFNK - Defunk & Ill Gates
idgaFNK x Walter Productions:DefunkIll Gates+ more TBAFriday Sept. 6 9pm - 2am 21+Walter Studios (747 W. Roosevelt St, Phx)Defunk BioHailing from the Canadian prairies, Defunk has made a distinct name for himself in the electronic music scene. Defunk’s unique brew of funk, blues, soul, and bass music has proven him to be a true connoisseur of genre blending. His innovative style has created a path for fans of all genres to venture into the bass music scene…and a niche that has left him virtually untouched. He melts the experimental with the familiar, pushing the envelope with each new release. The versatility Defunk delivers in both his DJ sets and live performances has caught the attention of Pretty Lights, GRiZ, and Gramatik. With a constantly changing set and rapidly expanding discography, Defunk consistently constructs a show brimming with allure and absolute magic.Ill Gates BioAs one of the forefathers of modern Bass music, L.A.-based producer ill.Gates has earned a distinction as both innovator and inspiration for passionate music lovers around the globe.Emerging from Toronto, Dylan Gates found fame early on behind dynamic dance floor bangers and a keen sense of direction as a producer. As a teenager, he quickly amassed fame behind extended releases, remixes, and collaborations with contemporaries Vibesquad and many more. ill.Gates has headlined festivals around the world, culling eclectic gatherings of listeners at events like Burning Man and Shambhala.In 2016, Gates found his true calling as a musician; molding generations to come via his Producer Dojo, an organization dedicated to cultivating discipline and long-term success for producers. With the mantra of ‘launching 1000 music careers,’ the Producer Dojo provides the tools for young artists to create their own online business, sell samples and release on the Dojo label.After moving to L.A. in 2018, ill.Gates set his sights on and accomplished building an empire of creatives ready to take on a constantly evolving music world. With that established, and 10+ years of punk, cultured experience, ill.Gates looks to release an album in late 2020 that builds on his long-term success and worthy of the stature of his distinction.